Tag Archives: wallet

How to Mine Bitcoins on Windows!

I am going to show you how to mine Bitcoins from start to end. I have been mining for about a year now and it was difficult to get everything set up the first time. I am assuming that you are using Windows XP/Vista/7/8.

Downloads : Please download/install all of the programs below to get started.

After you have all 3 programs :

  1. Install ATI SDK v2.0
  2. Install Bitcoin Wallet and generate an address
  3. Register on a mining pool: here
  4. Open GUI Miner and enter you workers information into the fields specified
  5. Enter your Bitcoin address into the field on your pool so that the BTC that you generate will be sent to you
  6. Profit!

I know this sounds easy, but you may have problems. For example, if your SDK wont install correctly, you may need to update your GPU drivers. If you have any problems please comment on here and I will help you,

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Bitcoin is a new currency that is used to purchase items anonymously. With that said, most buy illegal items such as: drugs, guns, bombs, frequency jammers, and powerful computer chips. You might be thinking “This is normal”, but its not. Usually they would have to go to the dealer’s house and risk their life trying to get their product. Now they can purchase them from thousands of miles away and have it shipped to their doorstep.

They system of Bitcoin uses a never-ending block chain so that your transactions will be executed perfectly every time. The best idea behind this new P2P currency is the small fact that NOBODY, not even the Government, owns this system. It is almost like a cooperative. The users are the owners.

I personally use bitcoin to make profit. Computer processors, video cards, and other devices (ACIS) can generate them. My three computers with six video cards make me about five dollars a day, but that’s not enough to survive off of. So I purchased some ACIS from ButterflyLabs. My set up will be the following :

ACIS(1)ACIS(2)ACIS(3)ACIS(4)->Powered USB Hub->Netbook->AC

Very simple and maybe even a little nerdy, but that equals over four-hundred dollars a week. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Yes, the rate will decrease after a few weeks and the reward will divide in December, but the investment will be payed off by then.

More information on how to use Bitcoin here and here.

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